Concerned About BPA in Dental Fillings?
BPA and Tooth-Colored Fillings
BPA, or Bis-Phenol A, is a resin used to make many types of plastics stronger, and it is also present in a lot of tooth-colored dental fillings. Studies in the last several years have suggested that BPA may contribute to a number of health problems, but that isn’t a reason to switch back to silver amalgam fillings. While it is good to avoid BPA, we don’t have to decide which is the lesser of two evils. We can leave tooth-colored fillings with BPA and the dangers of mercury poisoning that come with amalgam fillings behind because there are numerous tooth-colored materials available that are free of BPA.
Don’t Jump to Replace Your Composite Fillings
If you have fillings that contain BPA, don’t feel like you need to rush to have them taken out and replaced with BPA-free fillings, as this would mostly only weaken the teeth and do more harm than good overall. The release of BPA from fillings drops off sharply after the first 24 hours. Ideally, we can get BPA-free fillings in the first place, but if that isn’t possible, we can simply switch to a BPA-free material after the current fillings wear out.
Get BPA-Free Tooth-Colored Fillings at Kamkar Family & Gentle Dentistry
If you’re due for filling replacements, your child is ready for dental sealants, or if you simply have concerns about BPA, give us a call at 360-352-6399 or send us an email. We can answer any questions you may have, and together we can make a plan for your future fillings.