Say Goodbye to Those Wrinkles Around Your Mouth
What Causes Wrinkles Around Your Mouth?
As we age, our skin loses elastin and collagen, which leads to wrinkles, sagging, and a hollowed-out look in our faces. Our teeth also tend to shift out of alignment over time, wear down, and sometimes decay to the point that they require removal. All of this contributes to an aging appearance. You might be aware that regular dental visits are important for your dental health, but they will also help your face stay young.
How Do Teeth Affect Overall Facial Structure?
What many people don’t realize is that our teeth are the foundation of the lower third of our faces. If our teeth aren’t healthy, they can’t provide as much support, and this can have a dramatic impact on how old we look. Lip fillers and facelifts may offer temporary, superficial improvement, but for lasting facial harmony, the teeth need to be healthy and properly positioned.
Keep Your Face Young at Kamkar Family & Gentle Dentistry
To learn more about how good dental health can keep you looking younger and healthier overall and the role Dr. Paymon can play, give us a call at 360-352-6399 or email us. We want all of our patients to look and feel their best, and keeping their teeth healthy and strong is a crucial part of that!